Fogg Behavior Grid
by Dr. BJ Fogg, Stanford University
Fogg Behavior Grid
Updated: August 18, 2018
My grid describes 15 ways behavior can change. The purpose is to help people (including myself) think more clearly about behavior change.
Each of the 15 behaviors types uses different psychology strategies and persuasive techniques. For example, the methods for persuading people to buy a book online (BlueDot Behavior) are different than getting people to quit smoking forever (BlackPath Behavior).
My Stanford team has expanded the Behavior Grid and the Behavior Model with The Behavior Wizard. Be sure to see those other web sites to get a fuller picture of what we call “Behavior Design.”
The graphic below gives examples.
--BJ Fogg

The Behavior Wizard
To make this approach to behavior change clearer and more useful, we have created the Behavior Wizard for each of the 15 types of behavior change.
Previous Work that Relates to this Behavior Grid
You can see my 2009 paper about the Fogg Behavior Grid here. Note that the 2009 paper outlined 35 behaviors types, but this approach had weaknesses. My new grid with 15 behavior types is better.
Learn about the Fogg Behavior Model
The Fogg Behavior Model shows that three elements must converge at the same moment for a behavior to occur: Motivation, Ability, and a Prompt. When a behavior does not occur, at least one of those three elements is missing. Learn more, here:
For the first time ever, I explain the core components from Behavior Design in depth for a global audience in my 2020 book, Tiny Habits.
Even better, this book explains my innovations in Behavior Design.
Order now and get my free habit-building toolkit right away:
Feedback Welcome
I hope this work helps you. My team and I would appreciate your feedback.
For permission to use this graphic or something similar, please contact me directly or go here to take next steps.
BJ Fogg, PhD
Director, Behavior Design Lab
Stanford University